Welcome Newcomers!
Welcome, and thanks for taking a moment to look over Good Shepherd and our ministry. We offer a wide variety of activities, many of which are listed in the menus above or in the What's News! listing to the right (or nearby on tablets or mobile devices).
We hope that you find answers to your questions and concerns about our church, our congregation and our ministries. Good Shepherd is all about exciting believers in Jesus Christ and proclaiming the good news that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. If we can be of any help in your spiritual journey or with your spiritual needs, please don't hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We would be privileged to help you in any way that we possibly can.
Please feel free to join us (in person or on line) for a Sunday worship service or other activity, or just come by and visit us. We'll be glad to see you!
Worship with Us In Person or Watch On Line
Our weekly 9:30 a.m. service on the first and third Sunday of the month is a traditional service with organ music; the service on the second and fourth Sunday of the month is a contemporary service with our Praise Band. In-person attendance is encouraged and Holy Communion is served at all Sunday services.
We are livestreaming our weekly Sunday Services at 9:30 a.m. Preservice announcements and music usually start around 9:25 am. Sunday church service video recordings, as well as recordings of seasonal services, are available to watch after each service is complete. You may watch the live service or post-service recording on our Videos Page.
What We Believe
Our Values and Core Beliefs
Jesus died and rose for all. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
The Bible is God's True Word. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Word and Sacraments. "For it is sufficient for the true unity of the Christian church that the Gospel be preached in conformity to and with a pure understanding of it and that the Sacraments be administered in accordance with the divine Word." Article VII, Augsburg Confession.
Anti-Semitism Guest Lecture
Anti-Semitism Guest Lecture
We are pleased to have Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer as a guest speaker on Sunday, January 12, 11:00-Noon in the Fireside Room. He will be addressing the subject of anti-Semitism. Rabbi Arthur is a very diverse individual whose impact bridges a variety of organizations and touches numerous communities. He is a rabbi, a lawyer, a legal ethicist, a C.P.A., a mediator, a law professor, a writer, an advocate for Israel, a voice for peace in the Middle East, a husband, a father, a friend and a deeply committed Jew. He has been a rabbi in Hollywood, Ojai, and at USC Hillel. He once served as rabbi to Congregation B’nai B’rith in Santa Barbara and carries on an active involvement with them and the other local Jewish congregations as well. Rabbi Arthur currently leads Community Shul of Montecito and Santa Barbara.\