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Sermon -- Soli Deo Gloria

Sermon Series for October

Sola:  What Matters Most

One of America’s post popular game shows is Family Feud.  In it, contestants try to guess what answers people have given to surveys the show has conducted, with sometimes hilarious results.  The surveys offer windows into what is at the top of the minds of the people they have surveyed.  As Christians, there are some things that should be at the top of our minds.  In this series, we look at the things that matter most to our faith and should therefore be not only at the top of our minds, but deep in our hearts.

October 29   Soli Deo Gloria  Colossians 3:12-17

Soli Deo Gloria explains how we should live.  Everything we do should be connected to Christ.  In this way, we have no spiritual life and everyday life, we only have a Christ-centered life.  Do you do everything with Christ in mind?