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Anti-Semitism Guest Lecture
Contact Pastor Keith

We are pleased to have Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer as a guest speaker addressing the subject of anti-Semitism. Rabbi Arthur is a very diverse individual whose impact bridges a variety of organizations and touches numerous communities. He is a rabbi, a lawyer, a legal ethicist, a C.P.A., a mediator, a law professor, a writer, an advocate for Israel, a voice for peace in the Middle East, a husband, a father, a friend and a deeply committed Jew. He has been a rabbi in Hollywood, Ojai, and at USC Hillel. He once served as rabbi to Congregation B’nai B’rith in Santa Barbara and carries on an active involvement with them and the other local Jewish congregations as well. Rabbi Arthur currently leads Community Shul of Montecito and Santa Barbara.


Location Fireside Room